🥳🥳 With this wheel, it’s super easy to untwist you yarn with just a quick flick of the wrist! Whether you crochet or knit, there’s No need to struggle untangling or untwisting your yarn with this tool! 😱

📖The Colorwork Wheel is a 3D printed item that is designed to untwist yarn while doing colorwork. Specifically with crochet and sometimes with knitting, yarn is twisted while changing colors which helps “lock” the yarn for more consistent tension. The constant twisting of yarn can eventually cause tangles if it isn’t untwisted regularly. Many people avoid colorwork entirely because having to stop to untwist/untangle yarn can become tedious and frustrating. This tool not only helps untwist yarn, but, it also has the ability to pre-twist yarn to help people keep track of which direction to twist and which color comes next to prevent tangling

This product is recommended for people who have experience with colorwork.
- This product works best with yarn cakes wound using a yarn ball winder.
- The yarn ball pegs can comfortably hold up to 100g balls of yarn.
- For optimal usage, this wheel should only hold a maximum of 4 yarn balls.
- When spinning the wheel, always spin the plate, yarn ball pegs, or the yarn ball. NEVER spin or put pressure on the yarn guide as it may break.

1.This product is recommended for people who have experience with colorwork.
2.This product works best with yarn cakes wound using a yarn ball winder.
3. The yarn ball pegs can comfortably hold up to 100g balls of yarn.
4.For optimal usage, this wheel should only hold a maximum of 4 yarn balls.
5.When spinning the wheel, always spin the plate, yarn ball pegs, or the yarnball. NEVER spin or put pressure on the yarn guide as it may break.
6.When using more than 2 colors, always change colors in the same order as ordered on vour wheel.
7.When disassembling/assembling, insert your pieces directly at 90-degree angles or you risk damaging the parts

What to Expect from a 3D Printed Item:
Please note that the Colorwork Wheel is a 3D printed designthat is printed with non-commercial, hobbyist printers.
With any8D print, there may be small cosmeticimperfections beyond our control.
Our Colorwork Wheels are made with Polymaker ABSfilament. It can break or chip ifdropped or hit hard. Pleasehandle it with care.

NOTE: We cannot guarantee that the wheel will bedelivered by/before a specific date due to unpredictableshipping times.
Please allow up to 10 business days for handling